Blue Ribbon Chevrolet

Mar 11, 2022

the transmission system of an engineAre you wondering why you should be getting regular transmission service for your vehicle? There are lots of good reasons why you should get routine maintenance for your car. Here are a few of the major benefits of heading to your Chevy dealer for service.


1. Keep Your Transmission in Good Shape

Your car is important to you, and you probably rely on it a lot in your day-to-day life. If you want to keep your car functioning properly so that you can continue to rely on it for years to come, you’ll need to make sure you’re getting regular service for your transmission.

Your vehicle won’t be able to perform properly if your transmission isn’t working right. When you visit your dealer to have it serviced, the mechanics will know exactly what to do to keep your transmission the way it should.

2. Keep Your Warranty Valid

Your vehicle’s warranty is important. It keeps you and your wallet safe if something goes wrong with your car. It’s important to read over your warranty when you purchase your vehicle to ensure that you’re doing what you need to do to keep it valid.

One of the requirements you might find is to get regular service for your vehicle’s components like your transmission. Your warranty will help protect you if something goes wrong with your vehicle, so make sure that you’re getting the service your transmission needs so you can continue to depend on your warranty.

3. Save Money

Some drivers assume that they can save money by not getting regular service for their cars. They might think that only getting repairs done when they’re absolutely necessary will help to keep their bank accounts full. But really, the opposite is true.

When you wait until there’s extensive damage to your transmission to get your car serviced, you’ll likely find that you’re spending far more money than you would have if you’d gotten regular service. When you head to your dealership regularly, you’ll be able to save a significant amount of money on repairs.

4. Improve Your Car’s Resale Value

As much as your vehicle might be serving you well now, your needs are likely to change as you get older. You might find that your current model just isn’t doing what you need anymore and that you’re better off with a different car.

If you need to sell or trade in your current vehicle, you’ll get more money for your car if you’ve taken good care of it. Getting regular service for your transmission is a huge part of that. When you get routine service for your car’s components, you’ll help ensure that your resale value stays as high as possible.

If you’ve been wondering why you should be getting routine service for your car, the above four reasons should convince you. When it comes time to get your car serviced, make sure you visit the experts at your dealer. Come see us at Blue Ribbon Chevrolet.